
My name is Peter Corso and I Love to inspire and motivate others to reach “a higher quality of life” through self motivation.

I have created and built a website due to my passion to help others to reach their ultimate potential in life, wherein they create their lives by design and experience a higher quality of life that many only dream of. I have learned and believe what Zig Ziglar said in his ground-breaking best-seller and authentic American classic book, See You at the Top.” You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

I have found through personal experience and by interviewing many others that continuing self-education by reading books and listening to audio programs has proven to result in human beings living a higher quality of life.

In my quest and journey to fulfill my ongoing passion, I am reminded of a message fromNapoleon Hill in his 1937 motivational classic, Think and Grow Rich.”  What you can conceive and believe, you can achieve.” These words have helped in the launching of my website, www.inspiringandmotivationalwisdom.com

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