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Peter Corso on Trusting Ourselves With Our Decisions

31 Jul

via Peter Corso on Trusting Ourselves With Our Decisions.

Peter Corso on Trusting Ourselves With Our Decisions

31 Jul


I could just imagine what everyone is saying after reading the title above.  “Pete, if I could trust myself with my decisions, I would not worry so much about if my decisions are good ones or bad ones!”  That is right, you wouldn’t have to worry so much about your decisions and I can tell you in just two sentences how to do this.  If you feel good and comfortable with your decisions, it is the appropriate decision for you.  On the other hand, if you feel bad or uncomfortable with your decision, it is the inappropriate decision for you.  Yes, that is it!

As simple as following you emotions

Now I know there are many more questions everyone has now and I hope that I can give the appropriate  answer to them all.  In referencing “The Law of Attraction” by Esther and Jerry Hicks, “we have all the benefits to make the appropriate decisions at all times through our inner guidance system.”   Since we basically have two emotions; good and bad, a good emotion or feeling in response to our decision(s) means that we are in harmony with our wants and desires and this leaves us with an appropriate decision(s).  On the other hand, a bad emotion or feeling in response to our decision(s) means that we are not in harmony with our wants and desires and this leaves us with an inappropriate decision(s).

In summary, all we have to do is be aware of our emotions and how we feel about a decision we make to determine if a decision is an appropriate or inappropriate one for us.  It is as simple as that.  This may take time for you to accept this new belief and be comfortable with it, but it will be well worth it.    By practicing this process each and everyday with all of your decisions, it will become easier and easier to accept and apply this leaving you with much less to worry about.

All the best to everyone,


Peter Corso on FEAR…….False, Evidence, Appearing, Real!

20 Jul

The unpleasant emotion of fear we all experience from time to time in our lives is real to us, yet it is only based on our expectations not being met in an event.  Fear is not a tangible item that we can touch, it is only made-up of our thoughts that are not in harmony with what we want that leaves us with the emotion of fear.

In addition there are some of us that tend to think that who we are is tied to events in our lives.  If one is to accept this as true; they will always be fearful when things change for in having lost control of an event in one’s life, one will also feel the lose of control of themselves.

journey beyond fear

Now once we realize the emotions of fear are in us and not in the event we are about to enter, we can come to the conclusion that it is not the event we are fearful of.  So if it is not the event we are fearful of, then there is really nothing to fear but the fear itself.

The next time you come-up with a false belief about an event, catch yourself and change your thoughts about the event to something joyous.  Anything to help you  attract and appeal to a higher frequency away from fear.  We don’t have control over the events in our lives, but we do have control over our thoughts.

Abraham Hicks on Attraction

14 Jul

Abraham Hicks on Attraction.

Abraham Hicks on Attraction

14 Jul

The Universe does not know or care whether the vibration that you’re offering is in response to something you are living right now, and observing, or in response to something you are imagining. In either case, the Universe accepts it as your point of attraction and matches it. — Abraham Hicks


Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell

13 Jul

Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell

Why is it that most people are always searching, “Out There” for happiness and success?, when all one really needs to achieve happiness and success is found right where they are and inside themselves!  In Russell H. Conwells short printed story which originally started out as a speech, “Acres of Diamonds” in which he explains how with patience and thoroughly looking within our current circumstances, there is a a abundant supply for us to advance ourselves once we learn, understand and apply these “Great Secrets!” to our lives.  Our attitude will change, and this will eventually change our lives and we will experience a “Higher Quality of Life!”

Zig Ziglar on Winning

12 Jul

Zig Ziglar on Winning.


Zig Ziglar on Winning

12 Jul

“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” ~ Zig Ziglar

Jim Rohn on Want

12 Jul

Jim Rohn on Want.

Jim Rohn on Want

12 Jul

“When you know what you want, and want it bad enough, you will find a way to get it.” ~ Jim Rohn